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Originally posted by william_es:Originally posted by Spaghettioz:
Yah right. The freaking shovel?? xD
No way xD OH IRL lol bahahaha
Uhm... sorry to burst you bubble here buddy...
but in real life, the Russian army has distributes sharpened shovels as melee weapons for breaking up crowds of protesters. They'd bring them in by the truckload and pass them out to troops.
And we're not talking about those tiny little folding shovels. Full size shovels with long handles. And did I mentioned they had been sharpened. Like razor blades.
They'd wade into crowds swinging them like two-handed swords.
For the sake of clarity since I had to clean up some followup posts... here william_es is referring to one historical use of shovels, and not saying anything about current events. As always, real world politics is not to be discussed on the forum.