about 2 years
ago -
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The console isn't supported atm not because TFP don't want to, but because they Can't.
The telltale mess was definitely a mess- But one of the actions they took before finally going bankrupt was to officially release the console port as a finished game- No longer an early access/pre-access/whatever the console equivalent is. This change isn't reversible- The game is officially released on console.
The problem with being officially released is that both the Sony and Microsoft console storefronts have rules that explicitly prohibit developers from issuing updates to released games that would break save compatibility with existing saves- This is something that is allowed for early access titles as they are understandably in-progress products, But disallowed for released titles.
And therein lies the problem- Every major version of the game since like A12 or so(?) has broken save compatibility with the version before it.. The console is on A15/A16; PC is on A20, soon to be A21. So TFP literally cannot really bring the newer PC content to the console- It would break existing console saves, and so, The Sony/Microsoft rules say 'No.'
With that said, they are in the process of setting up for an eventual re-release of the console title that will be in-line with the PC version; But afaik this isn't really set to happen until the PC version is finalized to simplify the procedure.
The telltale mess was definitely a mess- But one of the actions they took before finally going bankrupt was to officially release the console port as a finished game- No longer an early access/pre-access/whatever the console equivalent is. This change isn't reversible- The game is officially released on console.
The problem with being officially released is that both the Sony and Microsoft console storefronts have rules that explicitly prohibit developers from issuing updates to released games that would break save compatibility with existing saves- This is something that is allowed for early access titles as they are understandably in-progress products, But disallowed for released titles.
And therein lies the problem- Every major version of the game since like A12 or so(?) has broken save compatibility with the version before it.. The console is on A15/A16; PC is on A20, soon to be A21. So TFP literally cannot really bring the newer PC content to the console- It would break existing console saves, and so, The Sony/Microsoft rules say 'No.'
With that said, they are in the process of setting up for an eventual re-release of the console title that will be in-line with the PC version; But afaik this isn't really set to happen until the PC version is finalized to simplify the procedure.