almost 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
It doesn't sound like a memory leak to me- Sounds like you're overloading your vram, don't have your pagefile enabled, and are playing on a large gameworld.

First, 16gb of ram is fine, but what is your video card? It sounds likely that you're massively overloading your vram- and all excess that your video card can't handle goes to ram instead.

Textures alone if it's on the max setting could overload the vram of most non-cutting edge cards, and if you have -everything- on ultra, thats even more vram needed on top of that.

I understand you may not want to lower settings- But unless you tell me you have something like an rtx 3080 (which doesn't seem likely given you only have 16gb of ram), you may not have a choice but to lower some settings.
For reference, as of A19 the game wants:
TextureQuality QUARTER prefers a 2gb+ card
TextureQuality HALF prefers a 3gb-4gb+ card
TextureQuality FULL prefers a 6-8gb+ card
..Just for textures.

Second, From the sounds of it, you do not have your pagefile enabled- I would recommend enabling it. I don't care if you're on an SSD or NVME, Pagefile hasn't had a significant impact in the lifetime of either kind of drive in over 20 years. The pagefile is your computer's way of managing ram usage that goes beyond the limit- If a program calls for 12gb of ram, but only 8 are available and the pagefile is off, the program will be terminated immediately when the ram utilization reaches 100%. Which sounds like it's exactly what is happening to you. If the pagefile is on, excess ram calls are put to disk and used from there, letting the program run albeit with possibly reduced performance

So for sake of example, say windows takes 2gb of memory, and 7DTD baseline takes 2gb. Then you add on the gameworld and that's 4gb more- Totaling to 8gb used so far. You then overload your VRAM by filling it up and spilling 9gb over, you're now at 16gb utilization but the game wants 1gb more. This is where the game will crash if you don't have pagefile enabled.