over 2 years
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Despite having seen people quite regularly bringing this topic up, No amount of personal testing on the matter has ever had me being able to reproduce it.
I used to think it was an issue of time+interactivity; IE if you haven't hit in in 5 seconds, if it dies, you get no exp; as some games do that to prevent you from making cheesy exp grinders that you dont have to interact with. But that was proven wrong by others (and my own personal testing on the subject after people questioned if that was accurate).
Near as I can tell, you do in fact get exp from it if it dies by bleeding.
And none of the following impacts that:
and several other things besides.. It seems to function as expected in every circumstance.
I used to think it was an issue of time+interactivity; IE if you haven't hit in in 5 seconds, if it dies, you get no exp; as some games do that to prevent you from making cheesy exp grinders that you dont have to interact with. But that was proven wrong by others (and my own personal testing on the subject after people questioned if that was accurate).
Near as I can tell, you do in fact get exp from it if it dies by bleeding.
And none of the following impacts that:
- Tested letting the bleed do the majority of the damage.
- Tested letting the bleed finish the last 140~hp of the zombie from the final manual hit (In excess of 5+ seconds easily, the maximum possible bleed damage to that the last tick kills the zombie.)
- Tested the zombie being hit by other zombies after bleed is applied.
- Tested the zombie being damaged by other debuffs, like fire/electricity.
- Tested the zombie taking fall damage after
- An animal hitting the zombie after bleed is applied but before it dies (If the animal gets the killing blow, you get no exp though)
- A robotic turret hitting the zombie after bleed is applied but before it dies (You still get exp if it does by the turret too.)
- Spikes hitting the zombie after bleed is applied but before it dies (You get no exp if the spike gets the killing blow, as usual.)
and several other things besides.. It seems to function as expected in every circumstance.