over 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Despite having seen people quite regularly bringing this topic up, No amount of personal testing on the matter has ever had me being able to reproduce it.

I used to think it was an issue of time+interactivity; IE if you haven't hit in in 5 seconds, if it dies, you get no exp; as some games do that to prevent you from making cheesy exp grinders that you dont have to interact with. But that was proven wrong by others (and my own personal testing on the subject after people questioned if that was accurate).

Near as I can tell, you do in fact get exp from it if it dies by bleeding.
And none of the following impacts that:
  • Tested letting the bleed do the majority of the damage.
  • Tested letting the bleed finish the last 140~hp of the zombie from the final manual hit (In excess of 5+ seconds easily, the maximum possible bleed damage to that the last tick kills the zombie.)
  • Tested the zombie being hit by other zombies after bleed is applied.
  • Tested the zombie being damaged by other debuffs, like fire/electricity.
  • Tested the zombie taking fall damage after
  • An animal hitting the zombie after bleed is applied but before it dies (If the animal gets the killing blow, you get no exp though)
  • A robotic turret hitting the zombie after bleed is applied but before it dies (You still get exp if it does by the turret too.)
  • Spikes hitting the zombie after bleed is applied but before it dies (You get no exp if the spike gets the killing blow, as usual.)

and several other things besides.. It seems to function as expected in every circumstance.
over 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Macdallan: You know what's real nonsense? Zombies dying from bleeding.

I'll grant that iconically zombies in media tend to 'not breathe' and 'not bleed' and are 'literal walking corpses'; But there's plenty of representations of them as 'infected', as 'parasitized beings', as a 'brain-altered-human', etc as well; So pretty much anything up and down the spectrum is reasonable here.

On the realistic end of the spectrum, They must have some kind of vascular system supporting em; So they can bleed. And if it can bleed, it can die from blood loss.

Short of literal magical/divine intervention A zombie on the more realistic end of the spectrum which has no functioning vascular system would die it's second death 2-4 minutes after reviving from it's brain being starved of oxygen.

Even if didn't suffer such a brain death, without the vascular system delivering resources around to the muscles, within 5-30~ minutes of ambling around aimlessly, they'd be subject to debilitating cramping and stiffening of the muscles commonly known as rigor mortis- This could take as much as 2-8~ hours to complete immobility depending on conditions, but since the zombies are somehow still active after their death, they would exaust the resources the muscles rely on to function much faster than a still corpse will. Even post rigor mortis when the muscles slacken, there's literally no resources left for them to function anymore.
over 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Macdallan: That sounds good and might work for an explanation elsewhere but it does not work for the zombies that are in the game.

The zombies in 7 Days to Die are often depicted as at least partially rotten or damaged and they don't bleed to death from that. The other zombie animals, some of which have clearly rotted enough to see their bones, don't die from it either. The zeds and animals don't seem to bleed at all any other source of damage like shotgun blasts, arrows, crossbow bolts, nor from having limbs smashed off with blunt weapons or any other non-sharp weapon. Never mind the complete lack of blunt force trauma and any resulting internal bleeding from blunt damage, all of that doesn't seem to matter to them either.

A very nice try and a very logical post, but no. It's absolutely ridiculous that the zombies bleed to death from cuts in this game but not from anything else. It's just one of many mistakes TFP have made over the years and not a surprise that it's as illogical as all the other ridiculousness they've injected into the game.
Welcome to video games, where reality quite frequently takes second place to a game mechanics. :winter2019happyyul:

Yknow. Like the way you can stuff a jeep in your pocket. Or carry enough materials to build even a single building block; Let alone two or hundreds. Or how you can reload most weapons despite the ammo not being in magazines or clips. Or how food never spoils...Or the zombies- Those don't make a whole lot of sense either.

A knife is an interesting weapon type to play with in the scenario; And it's made more unique in the way it makes the enemy bleed while everything else doesn't; It wouldn't be unique if every single weapon could inflect bleed stacks or internal hemorrhaging on the target..Plus that'd be going a bit too far in the direction of 'Pure realism' in which any significant blow to the head would instantly kill or totally debilitate most zombies. (With that said, pretty sure I've seen blood spurtin outta zombies when I hit em or dismember limbs/heads..so..)

At the end of the day, It's game. Sometimes things don't have to make sense- And that's okay too.