almost 3 years
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It's simplified from before and you're finding it confusing? O.o
It's..pretty simple. There's no longer upgraded forms of blocks.
Instead of Wood-R.Wood-Flag-Cobble-Conc-R.Conc-Steel
It's now
There's no drying stage for the concrete, and there's no reinforced stages for any of the block types; Similarly, block types will not downgrade to other forms when broken. Broken is now broken. Block HP was adjusted to compensate for these changes.
It's..pretty simple. There's no longer upgraded forms of blocks.
Instead of Wood-R.Wood-Flag-Cobble-Conc-R.Conc-Steel
It's now
There's no drying stage for the concrete, and there's no reinforced stages for any of the block types; Similarly, block types will not downgrade to other forms when broken. Broken is now broken. Block HP was adjusted to compensate for these changes.
Originally posted by A20 Release Notes: Shape and Creative Menus
Building blocks have received a major overhaul. For starters, there are now over 1300 unique shapes to select from for every craftable material. Players can now craft 5 basic material helper blocks which are:
Frames (OSB/Weak Wood texture), Wood, Cobblestone, Concrete and Steel.
After crafting, equip them to the toolbelt and then use the radial menu (or shortcut keys Shift+R) to open the shape selection screen. This screen shows several shape categories that can then narrow down the search:
Basic, Square, Round, Wedge, Poles, Stairs, Catwalks, Trim, Windows, Destruction, Construction, Deco and Letters
For you modders out there, the shape menu brings with it an easier way to add new shapes to the game as you no longer have to separately define each shape with each material. Simply add the new shape definitions to shapes.xml and let the game fill in the materials for that shape at runtime. The new shapes are then automatically added to the material shape helpers in game. This feature also greatly reduces the amount of crafting recipes needed.
The creative menu has also been overhauled with a new category system. Categories have been moved and expanded to the left hand side of the window. Pick a Main Category in the left column and then a Secondary Category in the right column.