almost 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
It's simplified from before and you're finding it confusing? O.o

It's..pretty simple. There's no longer upgraded forms of blocks.
Instead of Wood-R.Wood-Flag-Cobble-Conc-R.Conc-Steel
It's now

There's no drying stage for the concrete, and there's no reinforced stages for any of the block types; Similarly, block types will not downgrade to other forms when broken. Broken is now broken. Block HP was adjusted to compensate for these changes.

Originally posted by A20 Release Notes: Shape and Creative Menus
Building blocks have received a major overhaul. For starters, there are now over 1300 unique shapes to select from for every craftable material. Players can now craft 5 basic material helper blocks which are:

Frames (OSB/Weak Wood texture), Wood, Cobblestone, Concrete and Steel.

After crafting, equip them to the toolbelt and then use the radial menu (or shortcut keys Shift+R) to open the shape selection screen. This screen shows several shape categories that can then narrow down the search:

Basic, Square, Round, Wedge, Poles, Stairs, Catwalks, Trim, Windows, Destruction, Construction, Deco and Letters

For you modders out there, the shape menu brings with it an easier way to add new shapes to the game as you no longer have to separately define each shape with each material. Simply add the new shape definitions to shapes.xml and let the game fill in the materials for that shape at runtime. The new shapes are then automatically added to the material shape helpers in game. This feature also greatly reduces the amount of crafting recipes needed.

The creative menu has also been overhauled with a new category system. Categories have been moved and expanded to the left hand side of the window. Pick a Main Category in the left column and then a Secondary Category in the right column.
almost 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Nebula:
Originally posted by Trooper Bri: It's all covered in the A20 release notes, which is pinned to the top of the page.

I totally understand that but most people don't want to have to spend hours reading through stuff and the building you would think would stay the same after an update not totally change to the point you can't do anything you use to. So I am confused because when I use my axe on a concrete block it appears it is no longer available to upgrade. If you could upgrade and didn't have the proper matts it would chime and show you what matts you need in lower right hand of screen I don't see that which tells me concrete is the last and best block you can build due to the block not being able to upgrade?

I just wanted to know is concrete the best block and it appears it is due to no being able to upgrade concrete to reinforced concrete.
It Should be chiming and showing you a steel bar, as steel is the best block you can upgrade to. If it's not, somthing is borked.

And while I appreciate not wanting to spend 'hours' reading the patch notes... It takes seconds to go to the page and ctrl+f a keyword like "building". For future reference. :winter2019happyyul:
almost 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Nebula: It doesn't show me anything, I use the stone basic axe and tried the hammer and right click to see what I would need to upgrade and U get no chiming sound no item icon on bottom right of screen to show me what I would need to upgrade concrete block but nothing appears so I can only assume concrete would have to be removed with pick and replaced with a steel block. Is it broken or do you have to now remove concrete block and replace with steel block? What is happening to me isn't in patch notes that is why i am here.
Important question, Did you follow the steps to properly update to A20? Or did you update directly from A19 without clearing game files and such? That may have broken some things if you did so. Recommended to do a completely fresh install by following the guide in bug support pins.

Do the following:
  1. Start the game from inside your Steam library.
  2. Select "Show game launcher" from the window that appears and click Play.
  3. Click on the "Tools" tab in the launcher window.
  4. Click the button labeled "Clean game data".
  5. Click in the boxes for "Game settings" and "Game data", then tick the selector for "All maps".
    At this point everything should have a tick next to it.
  6. Click the "Clean" button.
P.S. Delete the Mods folder from your client directory to ensure you do not have any old/incompatible mods installed.

Optionally, you can leave the 'all maps' and 'saves' boxes unchecked in case you wish to go back to older versions and such. But game settings/data are important. After doing the above, verify your game files.

Then check in your save to see if it works; If it doesnt, check a new save in creative mode to spawn the items needed for the upgrade path and see if it works there.