Originally posted by Desert Rat: I don't have a problem with people who want to see everything that's being worked on and what will be in future releases. I applaud all the hard work that the designers and devs are doing, but people seem to have missed (or ignored) the point of my comment.
I think it is simply that when held up next to being able to applaud all the hard work that has been done and the opportunity to get a sneak peek at what is coming, your point about having separate streams vs one combined stream seems petty and insignificant. Why do you care so much that they put a sneak peek segment at the end of the A21 art stream? What did it hurt?
I also think that most people probably realize that to get everyone together with separate schedules and time zone differences is much easier to do one time rather than twice. For some of the artists the stream happened very very late and they were willing to show up and show off what they had been working on. So next to that why is there even an annoyance that some A22 art was shown at the very end of the A21 art stream?
If they want to highlight content that will be in future releases, perhaps they could have a FUTURE RELEASES stream.
Probably because there wasn't enough that they were willing and ready to show to have a dedicated future releases stream. They had enough to add it to the end of the A21 material. Its not like it is a regular thing. The first stream had no A22 content and last night's stream had no A22 content. TFP isn't sliding down some slippery slope where A22 content becomes as common in A21 streams as console update requests are in Twitter posts...
If they are putting out an A21 stream, then I would like to see what's going to be in A21. Why is that a difficult concept to understand?
You say that like there was A21 content preempted by A22 content. It was not. You saw every bit of A21 content they planned to show and then as a bonus there was some A22 sneak peeks. If they had cut the A22 part then the stream would have been shorter by that amount.
So, in short, they DID put out an A21 stream and you DID see what's going to be in A21. Why are you ignoring that fact? Why are you not understanding the point that everything that was going to be shown in A21 was shown and you saw it and the A22 portion at the end was bonus and did not detract or replace any A21 information that you would have seen?
Anyway, your annoyance is your annoyance. I know you can't help how you feel. Sorry that the stream format wasn't to your liking. The response to the art stream with the A22 sneak peek has been overwhelmingly positive so they probably won't shy away from doing it like that again in the future if necessary. Hopefully last night's stream was perfect for you.