almost 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
  • Sleepers ignore the player unless attacked or you get really close. As a percentage of total zombies spawned, they’re probably 20% or more for many players.
  • Entities that don’t engage the player are, to an extent, a waste of resources. That’s why only the wandering hordes that happen to be headed near you are simulated, while they’re only imagined to exist for all other parts of the map. It’s a utilization thing.
  • While I grant you there’s no one definition of how zombies should behave, like Papa Legba I don’t want to see them run away. A fundamental quality of zombies for me is a lack of self-preservation. They’re not strong willed; they’re simply incapable of fear… or affection, guile, long-term memory, or anything other than hunger for brains. Save the fear response for animals (already implemented) and human NPCs.
  • Throwing is an action limited to sapient humans and a few other animals. Zombies throwing rocks would be kind of a gray area if you ask me, but it’s far too implausible that a zombie could figure out to light a fuse or pull a pin right before throwing an explosive. I could buy into this only out of a need for more types of ranged weapons from enemies… again, let’s see how bandits shake out first.
  • I see no logic in canids spawning because you’re encumbered. But I could see the ones that already exist being attracted to a slow-moving target. I believe vultures, for instance, start attacking you if you have low health, somewhat simulating their role as scavengers. It was also cool when, long ago, carrying raw meat made you a magnet for zombies and, one would presume, predators.
  • If you like the ‘never, ever empty of zombies’ idea, the wasteland biome is set up like this, where there’s no spawn delay after killing a zombie before the next one appears. There are also mods to up the zombie spawns. Just keep in mind performance puts a limit on the total number that can exist at a time.