almost 2 years
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Originally posted by Paras: Loot from Zombies - By now they only and very rarely (maybe 0.01%) drop bags.This was removed for performance reasons. Both on the client, and on dedicated servers. Most of what you got was junk anyway. Now it's more meaningful loot.
But long ago they used to have loot all the time - mostly trash but still... it gave you rewards for killing them and made it just more interactive - by now it is just and only about XP and seriously... pretty pointless
Originally posted by Paras: cuting up Zombies - Zombies did not just despawn when defeated but were a great source for animal fat and other ressources for crafting and gave another reason to fight them. By now it is just kill them because they're annoying and to get rid of em and for lousy XP you will get for everything anyways. Not much fun and again just no rewarding.Again, the entites were removed to improve performance. Particularly on horde nights. You get the same XP as before, so it was still "lousy" when you had bodies to deal with. You don't need the materials you would get from them because you can find them in even greater quantities from other sources.
Originally posted by Paras: Learning and improving by doing. Another GREAT and propably THE greatest feature in this list. Back in the old days you improved ur abilities and skills by DOING and not or not only by adding skillpoints. You had to use the tools and weapons to improve your ability and craft to improve your crafting results. That made way more sense and by that you also had a reason to actually do stuff not just for the purpose but also to become better etc.It was a Unity base placeholder asset that was never intended to remain in the game long-term. It was a major grind for leveling a lot of skills, and overall wasn't as great as most people make it out to be. I think you'll like the system in a21 though.
By now it is just adding skillpoints and everything else is once again pointless.
Originally posted by Paras: Adding more levels (for equiptment). Believe it or not back in the good old days of this game we had not only 6 max level for equiptment but 999. You might be shocked if you haven't experienced it but it was actually great because first of all you had to use the stuff to improve the level - it made using and doing stuff way more rewarding and you had way more fun and time to improve your gear. Not in an exhausting way as it might sound but in a way more interactive and fun way. I really don't understand why they've changed both this points. By now it is just only 6 levels and adding Skillpoints you get by leveling up. It's not fun at all and feels once again not rewarding at all.The old leveling system for gear was heavily exploited, and was not compatible with other newer systems. Also note that this system is changing in a21 as well.