over 1 year
ago -
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The whole point of Alpha is developing the content for the game. Once you're nearing the end of the cycle, less content is added and more focus goes into streamlining and balancing the existing systems.
And it should also be noted that a LOT of work did go into the Bandit/Survivor NPC's and systems during a21 development. It just isn't ready for a21.
As for the story, I'm pretty sure TFP has had that mostly done for along time now, and it's just waiting on the final content to be available to utilize it.
And it should also be noted that a LOT of work did go into the Bandit/Survivor NPC's and systems during a21 development. It just isn't ready for a21.
As for the story, I'm pretty sure TFP has had that mostly done for along time now, and it's just waiting on the final content to be available to utilize it.