over 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
As far as my personal knowledge goes, The devs have never had any particular intent to enhance PVP in the game. Quite the opposite, they previously expressed that extending the 'friendly fire' functionality out into being able to do strangers and whatnot so PVP was even possible was basically the extent of what they were interested in providing in the way of PVP.

Whether that stance has changed since, or may change hence, Iuno. But that's what I know- PVP enhancement is unlikely to happen by the developers' hands- Any such enhancements are going to come from modders interested in enhancing PVP for PVPers.
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link

The game is designed to be PvE. Some compensation was made for PvP gameplay, but there will never be a "focus" on PvP.

They have said that after release they may do some minor balancing changes to improve PvP, but not at the cost of the PvE features and playstyle.

I mean, it would be really stupid to make changes that negatively impact 97% of your player base, just so you can cater to 3%.