about 2 years
ago -
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Somehow I don't think a trader is going to be amenable to someone strolling into their compound and demanding money for a bunch of tasks they completed that the trader didn't even ask for.
Which is...kinda why they aren't more like proximity quests. A 'Quest' is a specified task you're undertaking with specific goals and a set reward for completing the task that the trader wanted you to do- How would you know what the trader wants without talking to them? And why should the trader pay you for doing things they didn't ask you to do?
Not really against it as an addition; But it'd definitely need some good justification to be added, imo.
Which is...kinda why they aren't more like proximity quests. A 'Quest' is a specified task you're undertaking with specific goals and a set reward for completing the task that the trader wanted you to do- How would you know what the trader wants without talking to them? And why should the trader pay you for doing things they didn't ask you to do?
Not really against it as an addition; But it'd definitely need some good justification to be added, imo.