almost 3 years
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Sure, Your first encounter with demos is going to be a ♥♥♥♥ show. Because you don't know anything about them.
Your first encounter with dogs probably went the same way, albeit with less boom.
Your mistake #1: Hitting the bright green explosive charge on their chest that makes them go boom. They don't just blow up on their own, they blow up when you hit that green charge. And IF you accidentally hit that charge, if you can quickly finish killing them, they still wont blow up.
Demos ONLY blow up IF the player makes the mistake of hitting that green charge(This includes poorly placed traps- Shotgung/SMG turrets CAN hit that charge.) AND it does not die before the countdown finishes.
I get you're salty, but...Learn from your mistake. It's not hard to make bases that can stand demolishers.
Your first encounter with dogs probably went the same way, albeit with less boom.
Your mistake #1: Hitting the bright green explosive charge on their chest that makes them go boom. They don't just blow up on their own, they blow up when you hit that green charge. And IF you accidentally hit that charge, if you can quickly finish killing them, they still wont blow up.
Demos ONLY blow up IF the player makes the mistake of hitting that green charge(This includes poorly placed traps- Shotgung/SMG turrets CAN hit that charge.) AND it does not die before the countdown finishes.
I get you're salty, but...Learn from your mistake. It's not hard to make bases that can stand demolishers.