about 2 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Kohi: Why has there not been a single patch or anything since full release? Obviously doesn't have to be insane but there are still so many issues and ideas that people keep adding to the forums that im kinda shocked there hasnt even been a patch. 4 days before release we were getting one every day lol
Xbox got a hotfix patch a couple of days ago.
The frequency of updates before Stable dropped, was squashing several last-minute bugs before they dropped stable on their pre-announced date. IMHO, I didn't think it was going to be ready until closer to Thanksgiving, but here we are.

It should also be noted that a large majority of the "bugs" you see people reporting, are simply because they did not wipe and [rul=https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/1/3110269850346164483/#c3110269850345972067]refresh[/url] before starting the new version. Something that has been required for the past several years of Alpha development.

Bugs don't just get magically fixed overnight either. It takes a good bit of testing, and then more testing after a fix is adopted to ensure it doesn't screw with other features or cause a different bug.
Aside from an emergency hotfix like the one done for Xbox, you aren't likely to see another major patch until they have fixed a large number of the bigger bugs to release in a large patch. There may even be another experimental branch before release for more widespread testing to verify stability.

Originally posted by Kohi: Fair enough but i feel like a lot of things they fixed and added dont really warrant this long of a break when there are tons of other things to fix after making the game $50. For a game that has been in beta for 10+ years i guess im a bit disappointed they full release the game and then back off afterwards.
It isn't the full release yet. We're still playing a "preview version". Could maybe call this Beta, but it honestly doesn't feel like that to me. They just left EA and changed the numbering metric for the console release. You can read all about that in the news announcement[7daystodie.com] from a few months ago.

Originally posted by Kohi: I reported a bug almost 3 weeks ago that was never even fixed. My customization of the world led to 2 of the same traders in almost every biome. I keep trying to remake it because i like the layout but i clearly cannot. I would say that is an issue!
Two traders per biome is intended on the larger maps, and traders are bound to the biome. This is intentional, and not a bug.

Originally posted by Kohi: Not only that but theres a lot of random clipping with all of their add-ons for vehicles, armor pieces
Was announced as a work in progress, and will still be worked on further through the next big update that will introduce the wardrobe system and clothing skins. That will likely still have similar issues until the next big update, because it is still a work in progress, and not complete.

Originally posted by Kohi: the game crashes at least one time a session
Game crashes are not normal. You should troubleshoot what is causing it. Again usually it is because you did notwipe and [rul=https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/1/3110269850346164483/#c3110269850345972067]refresh[/url] before starting the new version, or because you have some other issue like not excluding the client, or a driver problem. Open a thread in the correct forum and follow the instructions. I will note though that I don't provide much support here in Steam because 90% of you guys cannot be bothered to follow basic instructions. You will get better responses on the Official Forum[community.7daystodie.com]. Again, be sure to follow the instructions]
Originally posted by Kohi: and the animations with the guns as well as the gun handling is pretty bad...
Work in progress with new animations. There are some other changes still being worked on to support 4rd-person view as well and to line everything up.
Originally posted by Kohi: ive also seen a lot of people talking about the armor buffs for some pieces being useless or seeming to not make much of a difference in terms of game play (or some pieces, way too much).
You see a lot of people talk about a lot of things, and often they aren't even understanding the full extent of what they are talking about. We still have a small group of people complaining about the removal of water bottles. That isn't a bug.
Originally posted by Kohi: The spawning of zombies in POIS is the same every time, zombies spawn in chunks in your face not only causing the game to lag but its so weird.
Some of these mechanics are intentional, some are a result of poor hardware performance, and some are just a result of limiting factors in the engine to make it compatible for a decade's worth of lackluster hardware. It will improve and is always being worked on.
Originally posted by Kohi: I get what you are saying but some of these issues have existed for 10 years so they dont necessarily have to be "big" issues to be worthy of a patch.
Most of your issues have barely existed for more than four years. Just because the game has been in development for that time does not mean the bug has existed for that time. I will also note that there are a few bugs that just keep coming back. There is an issue with the ground mesh overlay that has been rearing its ugly head every couple of years since Alpha 10. This isn't a fallacy of the developer in not fixing it. It is because there are a large number of moving parts, and some systems can affect other things unexpectedly.[community.7daystodie.com]