about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
It's the fastest vehicle; Fast as a motorcycle but can also cut across terrain in a straight line without any slowdown. And it has an equal capacity to a 4x4.

I love it, when I get one. For the small price of having to learn the take-off and landing mechanics it's great for basically any trip over 750~ meters. You can also fly high and get a good view of the surroundings, which you can't do with any other vehicle, letting you spot things you might want to visit from quite far off.
about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Cor.: You can fly it on top of Rekt's place and get into the upper part. Can only get there with Parkour otherwise.
Parkour isn't needed. :) Just a bit of an awkward angle jump.