almost 3 years
ago -
Red Eagle LXIX
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You can create a second Steam Game Library Folder on the SSD and just move 7DTD to that folder.
Steam Client > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders > Click the + > Select Your SSD
That will create a SteamLibrary folder on your SSD and automatically select it (which will show no games at the moment). Now click back to your slower HDD. Find 7 Days To Die and click the check box next to it. Then click the Move button. After the move is done you can click on you SSD and see 7 Days To Die there.
Done, now the majority of your Steam library will be on your HDD, but you can move select games to your SSD if you want (and back to HDD).
Steam Client > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders > Click the + > Select Your SSD
That will create a SteamLibrary folder on your SSD and automatically select it (which will show no games at the moment). Now click back to your slower HDD. Find 7 Days To Die and click the check box next to it. Then click the Move button. After the move is done you can click on you SSD and see 7 Days To Die there.
Done, now the majority of your Steam library will be on your HDD, but you can move select games to your SSD if you want (and back to HDD).