almost 2 years
ago -
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Never have trouble with that- I sort things as I go. Materials go in a number of chests, not just one, and are labeled for their contents.
Cloth, Leather, Duct Tape, Cotton in one chest
Mechanical Parts, Electrical Parts, Oi in another
and so on.
I've also tried sorting my crates by row in the past, one row per material, as many crates as needed to cover the total number of items. Worked out pretty well, but was harder to label so I sometimes had to open multiple crates to find what I was looking for.
You don't have to be quite so sorted as me- But even spitting your materials out over 2-3 crates sorted by theme, it makes it WAY easier to find specific materials you're after, and much less likely to overlook something you're looking for.
Cloth, Leather, Duct Tape, Cotton in one chest
Mechanical Parts, Electrical Parts, Oi in another
and so on.
I've also tried sorting my crates by row in the past, one row per material, as many crates as needed to cover the total number of items. Worked out pretty well, but was harder to label so I sometimes had to open multiple crates to find what I was looking for.
You don't have to be quite so sorted as me- But even spitting your materials out over 2-3 crates sorted by theme, it makes it WAY easier to find specific materials you're after, and much less likely to overlook something you're looking for.