over 1 year
ago -
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Technically, Nope. If you want a stable experience, Wait for stable. If you want to play with all the shiny things hot off the press, there will still be sharp edges and burnt fingertips.
That said, here's a super secret technique: Make a copy of the 7DTD folder; The copy won't update, but you can still launch it.
Fair warning though, Skipping experimental updates pretty definitely means you're going to HAVE to start over when stable hits, because you may/will be missing any incremental save adjustments the devs implement to safeguard saves from corruption.
That said, here's a super secret technique: Make a copy of the 7DTD folder; The copy won't update, but you can still launch it.
Fair warning though, Skipping experimental updates pretty definitely means you're going to HAVE to start over when stable hits, because you may/will be missing any incremental save adjustments the devs implement to safeguard saves from corruption.