over 2 years
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Disabling EAC has no effect on achievements. Enabling Cheat Mode in the world options, or toggling Creative Mode, or Debug Mode in game will disable achivements.
However, Achievements are only disabled during the session in which any of the above 3 conditions is met; So if you log out and turn cheat mode off, or exit world after enabling CM/DM and then after loading in again do not re-enable any of the three, you can again gain achievements.
In short, Cheat mode, creative mode, and debug mode set a temporary flag for 'disallow achievement progress'.
However, Achievements are only disabled during the session in which any of the above 3 conditions is met; So if you log out and turn cheat mode off, or exit world after enabling CM/DM and then after loading in again do not re-enable any of the three, you can again gain achievements.
In short, Cheat mode, creative mode, and debug mode set a temporary flag for 'disallow achievement progress'.