over 1 year
ago -
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Looks to me like it won't be half as bad as you think? First off, In A20 vehicles do zero damage to zombies whatsoever- That's why running them over does basically no damage to the vehicle.
In A21, they do way more damage to the vehicle, but you also can actually kill them that way, so it's a rather fair trade in that regard imo.
Beyond that, If you drive face first into a wall, that would total most actual vehicles- So that it looks like it only does about 10% damage is not that bad at all.
Don't drive like a maniac and you'll probably not need to repair half as much as you're thinking you will. Also the vehicle shown is a bicycle; I'd wager higher tier vehicles have more HP and lose less % durability for any given collision.
In A21, they do way more damage to the vehicle, but you also can actually kill them that way, so it's a rather fair trade in that regard imo.
Beyond that, If you drive face first into a wall, that would total most actual vehicles- So that it looks like it only does about 10% damage is not that bad at all.
Don't drive like a maniac and you'll probably not need to repair half as much as you're thinking you will. Also the vehicle shown is a bicycle; I'd wager higher tier vehicles have more HP and lose less % durability for any given collision.