almost 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by TTV GrieverXVII:
Originally posted by STDRandom Lead: here we go again. Search function is your friend for this once a month topic.

the time it took you to reply with such a poor reply could've also been spent just offering some help or a solution as you're eluding to, i can't imagine wasting my own time with such nonsense, but k.

If you're seeking information that is already available, then you are "wasting" the time of everyone that responds or even reads the thread, expecting to outsource to them the task of finding existing answers and having them regurgitate it to you. Users that don't search first are operating as though their time is more important than that of other users. Basic forum netiquette calls for searching what's already been written, before starting your own thread.

I'm not going to close this thread at this time, because it has been a little while since we've had a thread about optimization. But existing threads do provide a knowledge base of information in general, and we do ask that users not make multiple active threads on the same topic.