almost 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Usually once the developer streams showing off the next version begin, the streamer weekend is 1-2 months out at most, and the monday following the streamer weekend is when experimental begins.

That said, There is no hard date yet, But the devs did make a comment in the first dev stream, And I'm going to stress this, a HOPEFUL COMMENT(Not a commitment or guarantee!), that it should probably be ready for experimental access in May.
almost 2 years ago - Roland - Direct link
OP is legitimately wondering about whether it is worth starting a new game now or waiting until the update hits. It is a common worry at this stage of an update cycle. You are the one who brought up tomorrow at 2:32 PM not them. They never demanded in a passively or actively aggressive manner that the update happen immediately.
almost 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Tahnval: What I'm doing is carrying on with A20 and making sure that my installation of 7DTD won't auto-update. I use the 7DTD modlauncher to clone my installation and that makes version management easier, but I'm pretty sure you can do it within the Steam client.

That way, if A21 is released while you're playing an A20 game you can decide whether to abandon it to start a new game in A21 or continue with that A20 game until you're finished with it and then start a new game in A21. If you've cloned your installation of 7DTD you could have one copy in A20 and one copy in A21 and switch between your existing game in A20 and a new game in A21 as you please.

There is no release date for A21. It might be 2 weeks. It might be 2 months. If I was betting on it, I'd put my money on mid June.
Yeah, The modlauncher makes it a bit easier, but all that you actually need to do is copy the game install folder to a new location that isn't managed by steam (IE, To your dekstop, to you documents, to any given folder that isn't in "/steamapps/common/"

The copy of the files is still fully playable, and will never update. You could have a copy of every version if you're so inclined.