about 3 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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Since they’re zombie vultures, they should be attracted to your brains, and distracting sights and sounds. When you get on/in a vehicle though, even before you rev the engine and move, they for some reason want to start attacking you in cases where they didn’t before.
That behavior is counterintuitive at best. I understand the necessity for it on horde night, but the nuisance is unnecessary elsewhere. My hope is that this is a temporary threat, and that once bandits can start attacking vehicles, the (non-horde night) vultures can go back to the scavenger-ish behavior of just attacking players when they’re injured.
That behavior is counterintuitive at best. I understand the necessity for it on horde night, but the nuisance is unnecessary elsewhere. My hope is that this is a temporary threat, and that once bandits can start attacking vehicles, the (non-horde night) vultures can go back to the scavenger-ish behavior of just attacking players when they’re injured.