about 2 years
ago -
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Character models and bandits at the same time. Much better animations are coming. Recent Twitter post showed some work on that.
Originally posted by Dreadstone: I'm convinced this game was never meant for multiplayer.
1) Loading a new area? Check, stutters, and freezes.
2) Driving into a building? Check, did that last night. While I was able to dismount my motorcycle, I then (after re-logging) had to DRILL THE BLOCKS to "free" the thing.
3) Suddenly slowing and sinking as if I'm riding in quicksand? Check. Have to re-log and pray.
4) Bike COMPLETELY disappearing when logging back in? Check. (Solved this (I think), by always parking on a placed panel. Alternatively one can pick up their vehicle)
5) Getting stuck in a block I'm placing? Check. Have to axe my way out.
6) Latency when interacting with a bag or box? Check. Happens all the time.
This is not "lag". This is coding (specifically collision detection) and server-side issues. You (the ubiquitous 'you') should NEVER, in any game lose an item simply because you logged for the night. (Unless as say in WoW, when you summon items).