about 2 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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We have a scrapping mechanic of course, and we have a station (workbench) that remotely handles a task you can do out of your backpack. So I can't think of a good reason a scrapper would go against the dev's vision.
One argument I can see for it not being needed is, if you're using a scrapping workstation it implies you're already back to your base, in which case you might as well toss scrappable items directly into your forge(s) for a better yield. That is to say, scrapping is intended mainly as a way to get space back in your inventory when you're in the field, making a scrapper not so useful. And items that scrap to parts are rare enough to not tie up your backpack crafting queue for long.
One argument I can see for it not being needed is, if you're using a scrapping workstation it implies you're already back to your base, in which case you might as well toss scrappable items directly into your forge(s) for a better yield. That is to say, scrapping is intended mainly as a way to get space back in your inventory when you're in the field, making a scrapper not so useful. And items that scrap to parts are rare enough to not tie up your backpack crafting queue for long.