almost 2 years
ago -
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Change the order of connections- Each object can only have One Incoming line, and may have numerous Outgoing lines.
Electricity always branches outward from the power source- You can't loop connections back on themselves, and attempting to attach an incoming line to an object that already has an incoming line will remove the old one in favor of the new one.
To make two cameras work for a single door, You need to wire Power ->Relays->Camera->Camera->Door. Nothing can be between the two cameras- It has to be camera->camera or else the cameras will work independently, not in tandem.
Electricity always branches outward from the power source- You can't loop connections back on themselves, and attempting to attach an incoming line to an object that already has an incoming line will remove the old one in favor of the new one.
To make two cameras work for a single door, You need to wire Power ->Relays->Camera->Camera->Door. Nothing can be between the two cameras- It has to be camera->camera or else the cameras will work independently, not in tandem.