about 2 years
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On a normal game they last 20 minutes real life time. This is as intended.
Originally posted by cesa210: Then why thee yellow ones last forever (more like an hour or more) the same for red ones.All three should be lasting 20 minutes. However, this is 20 minutes of time being in a loaded chunk- If you make a lootbag, immediately drive off into the sunset, and return an hour later, it likely still has somewhere around 19~ minutes of duration left to it even though an hour passed.
Originally posted by S.M.I. Dysthymia:Blue and reds are a relatively recent adition as far as things go.. Circa A20, I think. Reds are extremely rare and also can only drop from the most dangerous zombie types(Like demolitionists), while yellows can drop from any zombie, and blues can drop from any large+ zombie.Originally posted by cesa210: Then why thee yellow ones last forever (more like an hour or more) the same for red ones.I've been playing 750+ hours and have never come across or seen a red bag drop after killing tons of zombies. Blue and yellow bags but never a red.