about 2 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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Smells of untruth? You can find lots of examples of clothing combinations that unfortunately clip into each other. Those visual bugs have been piling up, because they’ll become moot in the event the whole clothing and armor system is overhauled. It also explains why the player character art has (arguably) lagged behind in quality compared to other art that’s been brought up to higher standards: no point in polishing something that would still get redone anyway.
As of now, the dev diary on the official forum lists “new iron armor” and “new commando military armor” as confirmed A21 features, while “armor” writ large is listed under the “roadmap to gold and beyond.”
As of now, the dev diary on the official forum lists “new iron armor” and “new commando military armor” as confirmed A21 features, while “armor” writ large is listed under the “roadmap to gold and beyond.”