over 2 years
ago -
Direct link
I don't see mention of unreal- But it does appear to be a collaboration thing.
The blurb on the right:
"7 Days to Die
Dekogon Studios had the pleasure to assist The Fun Pimps with asset support for the game 7 Days to Die.
We are extremely proud to present some of the accomplishments of the Dekogon team in collaboration with The Fun Pimps here from our talented artists! Dekogon was responsible for the creation props and assets with respect to voxel sizes on the grid."
So TFP worked with Dekogon Studios on the assets.
The blurb on the right:
"7 Days to Die
Dekogon Studios had the pleasure to assist The Fun Pimps with asset support for the game 7 Days to Die.
We are extremely proud to present some of the accomplishments of the Dekogon team in collaboration with The Fun Pimps here from our talented artists! Dekogon was responsible for the creation props and assets with respect to voxel sizes on the grid."
So TFP worked with Dekogon Studios on the assets.