about 2 years
ago -
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There's an entire forum full of input from the devs;
Like every single AAA game to release in the last 5 years has been a FAR buggier mess than 7DTD has ever been; Though I'll grant AAA studios patch it up quick under the fiery rage of their users. I'm also of the personal opinion that 7DTD is a fairly unbuggy game, as far as things go. Plenty of games out there that I'd point to as a buggy mess before I'd point to 7DTD.
The game gets a major version update roughly once a year for the last 6 years; And a number of minor updates inbetween:
Alpha 20.6: Released on August 16, 2022
Alpha 20.5: Released on May 16, 2022
Alpha 20.4: Released on April 25, 2022
Alpha 20.3: Released on February 22, 2022
Alpha 20.2: Released on February 7, 2022
Alpha 20.1: Released on February 1, 2022
Alpha 20 Stable B238: Released on December 21, 2021
The console version CANT be synced to steam due to what telltale did. Telltale, the publisher at the time, officially released the console version as a finished product before they went bankrupt. Microsoft and Sony store service rules prohibit any update to a fully released game that would break save compatibility- Every single major version since A16 has broken save compatibility. It's just not possible. They are however planning to re-release the game on consoles once the PC version is done and dusted; But that's in the future, not the now.
You seem to be experiencing a pretty rare bug; Out of MILLIONS of users, You're one of like..3? to experience that issue in the last half year or so. And that's assuming you aren't one of the people who posted that issue that I remember seeing. Falling through the map is FAR from a common issue or concern, Most people do not experience it. You'd be much better served making a bug report and getting that issue fixed than wasting away over it.
And... TFP doesn't care? If they didn't care, they would've called it released half a decade ago, missing features and broken promises be damned. Instead, They're still here working on completing the project the way they promised, with all the features they said it would have. If that's "Not caring", then I want every developer to not care, 'cause damn.. That kind of not caring is a far cry better than AAA studios who crap out corner cut copy paste BS and sell you the features they removed to meet some arbitrary deadline at a premium, and then nickle and dime you with micro transactions on top of it.
Like every single AAA game to release in the last 5 years has been a FAR buggier mess than 7DTD has ever been; Though I'll grant AAA studios patch it up quick under the fiery rage of their users. I'm also of the personal opinion that 7DTD is a fairly unbuggy game, as far as things go. Plenty of games out there that I'd point to as a buggy mess before I'd point to 7DTD.
The game gets a major version update roughly once a year for the last 6 years; And a number of minor updates inbetween:
Alpha 20.6: Released on August 16, 2022
Alpha 20.5: Released on May 16, 2022
Alpha 20.4: Released on April 25, 2022
Alpha 20.3: Released on February 22, 2022
Alpha 20.2: Released on February 7, 2022
Alpha 20.1: Released on February 1, 2022
Alpha 20 Stable B238: Released on December 21, 2021
The console version CANT be synced to steam due to what telltale did. Telltale, the publisher at the time, officially released the console version as a finished product before they went bankrupt. Microsoft and Sony store service rules prohibit any update to a fully released game that would break save compatibility- Every single major version since A16 has broken save compatibility. It's just not possible. They are however planning to re-release the game on consoles once the PC version is done and dusted; But that's in the future, not the now.
You seem to be experiencing a pretty rare bug; Out of MILLIONS of users, You're one of like..3? to experience that issue in the last half year or so. And that's assuming you aren't one of the people who posted that issue that I remember seeing. Falling through the map is FAR from a common issue or concern, Most people do not experience it. You'd be much better served making a bug report and getting that issue fixed than wasting away over it.
And... TFP doesn't care? If they didn't care, they would've called it released half a decade ago, missing features and broken promises be damned. Instead, They're still here working on completing the project the way they promised, with all the features they said it would have. If that's "Not caring", then I want every developer to not care, 'cause damn.. That kind of not caring is a far cry better than AAA studios who crap out corner cut copy paste BS and sell you the features they removed to meet some arbitrary deadline at a premium, and then nickle and dime you with micro transactions on top of it.