over 1 year
ago -
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You will be expected to wipe and start over every few days.
There will be bugs.
The primary purpose of opting into unstable_experimental is to report bugs found on the forum.
If you are expecting a stable long-term game, then you should wait until Stable releases.
If you are wanting to play with Mods, lock yourself into a20.7 now in the Betas tab, and don't come out until a few weeks or so after Stable releases. At that point check your mods to see if they have updated.
You will be expected to wipe and start over every few days.
There will be bugs.
The primary purpose of opting into unstable_experimental is to report bugs found on the forum.
If you are expecting a stable long-term game, then you should wait until Stable releases.
If you are wanting to play with Mods, lock yourself into a20.7 now in the Betas tab, and don't come out until a few weeks or so after Stable releases. At that point check your mods to see if they have updated.