over 1 year
ago -
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The devs work Mon->Fri, So.. That isn't going to happen. They're not going to release an unstable version of the game to the public on a friday and then have it sit untouched for 3 days afterwards till monday when work hours arrive and its time to fix things... They're always going to release on a monday so they're there and ready to fix major issues that crop up.
And you are, at least I would presume, an adult fully capable of not watching the streams if you don't want to be spoiled.
There's a thread complaining about this stuff already, so if you wanna complain more, go there.
And I'd suggest you back off the insults if you partake in the ongoing conversation.
And you are, at least I would presume, an adult fully capable of not watching the streams if you don't want to be spoiled.
There's a thread complaining about this stuff already, so if you wanna complain more, go there.
And I'd suggest you back off the insults if you partake in the ongoing conversation.