about 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
There are several KI's on issues with them duplicating, teleporting below bedrock, and other similar things. Like if you teleport with a drone out, it's almost guaranteed to have an issue. But since teleporting is not a regular game feature, that one might not get as much focus as some others.

Buy the best word on any issues in the KI list being fixed, is maybe in the next patch.
Even if they announced that they fixed it internally, that doesn't mean it will remain fixed after the next internal update, or even after it goes live.

A perfect example is the current issues with vehicles disappearing, getting stuck, going underground, ect. The devs put a lot of focus into fixing these issues. The internal testers exhaustively went through all kinds of situations to replicate the issues, and they were patch up. We then spent hundreds of hours making sure that the fixes were fixed, and stayed that way.
Then the patch gets into the hands of a few million people instead of a few hundred, and there are a lot of reports on the vehicles having a problem.

The real issue though, is that almost no one will bother to take the time to actually submit a proper report so the developer has data to work with to troubleshoot it and find the cause. So we're back to the internal testers and the developers not being able to replicate the issue, so it doesn't end up getting fixed.