almost 3 years
ago -
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You can already craft placeable ground to fill in holes/build ground based bulwarks, although they aren't very effective. Search 'ground' or 'topsoil' in your crafting list. Can craft 4 or 5 different kinds, clay based, sand based, snow based, stone and destroyed stone based.
Leveling can be achieved via placing wood frames without compromising integrity of anything nearby- Just place a wood frame and the ground is auto-leveled underneath it.
Slowing and gradients aren't currently possible in game; The world generator goes through a lot of steps to make the ground as smooth as it does, and I'm not sure it's possible to put those tools into the hands of the player.
Leveling can be achieved via placing wood frames without compromising integrity of anything nearby- Just place a wood frame and the ground is auto-leveled underneath it.
Slowing and gradients aren't currently possible in game; The world generator goes through a lot of steps to make the ground as smooth as it does, and I'm not sure it's possible to put those tools into the hands of the player.