Originally posted by Savvy Imposter:
Originally posted by Black Puppet: Yes and that was the main issue in A20. It felt so underwhelming to find books, it wasnt neccesary. You could skip out on literally all books present or dont skill and in turn only use books. There was an either or but no inbetween cause eventually youd have to skill in that very perk that the book unlocks crafting for anyways.
In turn this system is more intuitive but is far more grindy. Numbers need to be punched down to make it fun instead of a grindfest.
The same could be said of this vesrion... the books give you the mean to craft stuff, so no need to level the perks... On the contrary, you MUST read books in order to craft stuff. It only gatekeeps progression instead of making it different. The books in a20 allowed you to specialise in a skill tree to get the most out of it and still have the ability to craft low quality stuff from other skills. In a21, you can craft everything of higher quality, regardless of how you attributed your perks. And even if you reduce the number of books to read to get max bonus, you'll end up with something ever more broken than a20...
I'm being the devil's advocate here.. I just think the new skill system makes spending perks point almost obsolete, and is only here to slowdown early gameplay.
The book sets of A20 are still in A21 with a few changes. The magazines are separate from those book sets and did not replace them.
I hope you'll keep trying the new system and keep giving feedback. Not everyone is going to like every system but it is important to know why people aren't enjoying it. First impression feedback is important but so is feedback after getting used to it and trying a couple of different builds. Sometimes you are lucky in one playthrough and progress steadily and sometimes you are unlucky and progression takes longer.