over 1 year
ago -
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We recommend starting a new savegame with b323 for the best experience. We don't expect to break existing Experimental savegames with this build.
The mod slot change will not change existing items, it only applies to newly found items.
The mod slot change will not change existing items, it only applies to newly found items.
- Start Task manager and End task on either of these if running:
- Open the Steam Client
- Navigate to your Games Library
- Right-Click on 7 Days To Die in the left navigation bar.
- Click Properties
- Click on the Local Files Tab
- Click the "Browse Local Files" Button
-This will open a Windows Explorer Window. The next Steps Take Place in Windows Explorer
- In Windows Explorer, go up 1 Level so that you should now see the '7 Days Top Die' folder which is likely '\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\7 Days To Die'
- Delete the folder called "Mods" if it exists.
- Type the following into the address bar without the quotes then press enter:
- Select all files and folders in this location and delete them.
NOTE: This will remove all save games and generated maps. This is required to do for participation in Experimental
- Right-Click 7 Days To Die in the Steam Client
- Click Properties
- Click Set Launch Options Button
- Delete anything in that field
- Click OK a few times
- Exlude the client from your security software.
- Try Playing.