about 2 years
ago -
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RIP :< Live n learn.
If you'd like to give back the lost material, press F1 to open the console, type "CM" and enter that command, Press F1 again to close the console then press the U key to open the creative menu. Use this menu to give yourself back the approximate amount of lost material and some wood to smelt it into the forge at it's new location.
Then just repeat the initial steps to disable creative mode again. If you care about achievement progress, after disabling creative mode exit to menu and reload the save- Progress is only toggled off for the session in which creative mode is used; Not permanently.
In any case, Game on n have a good day.
If you'd like to give back the lost material, press F1 to open the console, type "CM" and enter that command, Press F1 again to close the console then press the U key to open the creative menu. Use this menu to give yourself back the approximate amount of lost material and some wood to smelt it into the forge at it's new location.
Then just repeat the initial steps to disable creative mode again. If you care about achievement progress, after disabling creative mode exit to menu and reload the save- Progress is only toggled off for the session in which creative mode is used; Not permanently.
In any case, Game on n have a good day.