about 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
It's rage mode. On the Adventurer difficulty it is a 20% chance for a zed to enter rage mode when hit. %Chance increases as you raise the difficulty level.
about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Wragon:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: It's rage mode. On the Adventurer difficulty it is a 20% chance for a zed to enter rage mode when hit. %Chance increases as you raise the difficulty level.
i figured this was a thing. but at the night mission they dropped from hiding spots and started running at me. do zombies suffer from fall damage again? could that be what triggered it?
Zombies have always suffered fall damage. It's just been capped to 33% of their HP maximum. And yes, They can absolutely trigger rage mode from fall damage.