almost 2 years
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Originally posted by Rain: --- MORE BUGS!
Bugs are just a part of playing an unfinished game still in development. Demanding that the developers not do anything because it might introduce new bugs goes against the whole development process.
I hate to break it to you but developing a game involves reworking systems until either you feel you've got it right or your publishing executives impose a deadline on you and force you to push the game out as is. TFP has no executives from a publisher forcing them to meet their deadline with whatever they've got. As an independent studio they can rework systems as much as they wish until they are satisfied. We paid for the opportunity to play while they experiment and develop their ideas.
Demanding that they not change any more systems while the game is in the midst of development is just not a realistic demand nor is it a realistic expectation. I can guarantee you that there will be more changes coming in A22 because they are not fully satisfied with some of the existing systems and even though they've worked on them over the years they are going to change them again before the game goes gold. Development is the essence of change AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.
It is understandable that some players might become fatigued with the long process this has been and those players should step away from the game for awhile until they aren't feeling burnout any longer. But burned out bored players are definitely not the people who should be trying to demand a type of game development that doesn't involve change.
Drinking Water Rebalance <---------WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure why they decided to tackle the early game water survival part of the game. But they did and I'm so glad they did. It is a vast improvement over the water survival gameplay we've had so far.
Removal of Secret Stash <--------------WHY???????
Secret Stash was massively OP and now without it the game is incredibly balanced between finding something cool to buy at times but much of the time crafting your own stuff. The game is much better with Secret Stash gone.
WHICH ONES??????????????
Steam Workshop Support <------PRIORITY 1, cause most modders have good solutions!
Modders do have great ideas and very creative alternatives to the vanilla game features and they are already making mods available without Steam Workshop. They've already announced that Steam Workshop will most likely be the last addition and may not even happen until after gold release. The current way that mods are accessed work well enough to get us through until Steam Workshop. Why add that before anything else on that list when we can already play mods right now?
And PLEASE kill all those bugs, connection issues and glitches FIRST before you start anything else!
Wow, all these different things you want done FIRST. They are fixing bugs and improving performance and adding new features and changing legacy features all at the same time. They've got a big team now-- multiple teams actually-- so the work can be divided up.
They are close to feature lock if they haven't already gotten there so they are in the final stages of bug fixxing and then everyone will be getting A21 to try out the changes for themselves and decide if they are good or bad.