about 2 years
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Several things.
To answer the last question first, Yes, Any and all modification is saved- Even if you only half damage a terrain voxel to change it's shape, it's saved.
From a tech perspective, the world and save files are separate; You can reuse a world file because of this. The save file is where all changes are stored.
The whole game world exists to begin with. It's all pre-generated and just loaded as you play- From bedrock to the top most "air block", it's all actually accounted for space.
The world isn't blocks- It's voxels. The building blocks are forced-shape voxels, the terrain is malleable voxels. The malleable voxels are actually diamond shaped, but they stretch themselves to meet their fellow malleable voxels to from a contiguous surface.
For the malleable voxels, When they're aligned in a flat grid, there is no sides to them, only the external face. This is because malleable voxels stretch themselves to meet the edges of the voxels around it- That's why the terrain shapes itself into lips and stuff, the voxel of the upper layer is stretching down to meet the lower layer to retain one contiguous looking bit of terrain.
The external spaces are the only ones rendered to save performance where possible. When you fly underground, it's one contiguous mass- There's no open spaces, so there's nothing 'external' to texture; And you can't see the 'sides' of the malleable voxels because the sides have stretched themselves up to form the surface that you're seeing.
I can explain more later, this is kindof a rough coverage but I'm outta time, gotta head out the door. Hopefully this kindof answers at least some of your questions.
To answer the last question first, Yes, Any and all modification is saved- Even if you only half damage a terrain voxel to change it's shape, it's saved.
From a tech perspective, the world and save files are separate; You can reuse a world file because of this. The save file is where all changes are stored.
The whole game world exists to begin with. It's all pre-generated and just loaded as you play- From bedrock to the top most "air block", it's all actually accounted for space.
The world isn't blocks- It's voxels. The building blocks are forced-shape voxels, the terrain is malleable voxels. The malleable voxels are actually diamond shaped, but they stretch themselves to meet their fellow malleable voxels to from a contiguous surface.
For the malleable voxels, When they're aligned in a flat grid, there is no sides to them, only the external face. This is because malleable voxels stretch themselves to meet the edges of the voxels around it- That's why the terrain shapes itself into lips and stuff, the voxel of the upper layer is stretching down to meet the lower layer to retain one contiguous looking bit of terrain.
The external spaces are the only ones rendered to save performance where possible. When you fly underground, it's one contiguous mass- There's no open spaces, so there's nothing 'external' to texture; And you can't see the 'sides' of the malleable voxels because the sides have stretched themselves up to form the surface that you're seeing.
I can explain more later, this is kindof a rough coverage but I'm outta time, gotta head out the door. Hopefully this kindof answers at least some of your questions.