about 2 years
ago -
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So, here's the thing. 'The entire team' is relative.
As a fairly dumbed down breakdown, There are actually several different subsets of worker within the team.
For example,
You've got artists.
You've got modelers.
You've got sound designers
You've got level designers
You've got general coders
You've got an AI specialist.
etc, etc, etc.
When you Start to develop a new version, Everyone is working on the update. But, Some aspects of the design will often get finished ahead of schedule, typically by necessity- For example, Artists and Modelers will typically have to finish their job at speed so that the level designer can use that stuff to level design. Their job finished, the artist and modeler now has nothing to do.
So, To streamline the workflow, you actually have those jobs that need to be done first work on the NEXT version while the rest of the team is finalizing things for the current version.
IE, Sound/level designers, general coders, and the ai specialist working on A21, and artists and modelers working on stuff for A22.
Simple fact of the matter is that making the artist sit around and twiddle his thumbs does not make the coder go faster; Nor can the artist code, so he cannot help directly either. So, the artist may as well be doing needed work, even if it isn't needed in the next coming version.
Edit: So, When they say "The entire team", the actual meaning is more like "The entire team that is currently capable of providing any useful work to the current version".
Edit 2: And to answer the question posed, Yes, A21 will come out.
As a fairly dumbed down breakdown, There are actually several different subsets of worker within the team.
For example,
You've got artists.
You've got modelers.
You've got sound designers
You've got level designers
You've got general coders
You've got an AI specialist.
etc, etc, etc.
When you Start to develop a new version, Everyone is working on the update. But, Some aspects of the design will often get finished ahead of schedule, typically by necessity- For example, Artists and Modelers will typically have to finish their job at speed so that the level designer can use that stuff to level design. Their job finished, the artist and modeler now has nothing to do.
So, To streamline the workflow, you actually have those jobs that need to be done first work on the NEXT version while the rest of the team is finalizing things for the current version.
IE, Sound/level designers, general coders, and the ai specialist working on A21, and artists and modelers working on stuff for A22.
Simple fact of the matter is that making the artist sit around and twiddle his thumbs does not make the coder go faster; Nor can the artist code, so he cannot help directly either. So, the artist may as well be doing needed work, even if it isn't needed in the next coming version.
Edit: So, When they say "The entire team", the actual meaning is more like "The entire team that is currently capable of providing any useful work to the current version".
Edit 2: And to answer the question posed, Yes, A21 will come out.