about 5 years
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It's normal in most games of this nature that you have to empty the item before picking it up. As such, one would not assume it would hold the materials.
Originally posted by Dumbledood: In this case, the materials are stored in such a way (to my knowledge) that removing them from the item's storage is impossible before picking it up (they must be used to craft something).If 'they' could, 'they' absolutely would.
So to say one should remove the stored material before picking the item up is offering a solution that doesn't exist at this time.
I personally don't know of any other games that has crafting materials in "workbenches," which can't be emptied out, and furthermore delete the materials if you do decide to move the workbench. The only option is to use them or lose them. Which isn't the friendliest mechanic. Rust is the closest thing that comes to mind. Haven't played Minecraft enough though to know if this is true for it.
I agree that being able to pick up the item without emptying it totally would be unrealistically easy, and exploitable. However, it just seems like a inconsiderate avenue of design which could be open to improvement at some point. In general, I think the game's final iteration could definitely use a bit more explanation for beginners, which developers and even veterans often lose sight of after a while (myself included), and fresh eyes really help with. But doing so at this stage in development may be counter-productive as they have bigger fish to fry.Originally posted by Churd: Items remaining in something like a forge or workbench would break the inventory system (even future inventory systems). People would carry around 20 workbenches for extra storage. It would be silly :P
I see your point. Hadn't thought of that. You'd need to place it to cook the stuff, while digging or something. You can already stack the items used by the forge pretty high (5,000 I think). But you might be right, I don't have enough experience with late game to know if people would do this.
Originally posted by Waaaghboss Smashface: Okay good to know this is an option. Thank you!
Since I was still able to survive the onslaught on Bloodmoon I'm fine and will try to just gather that Iron again.
Is there any way Forges share materials from a pool? (might be off topic, sry)