about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Not broken, and will never change. That's literally what voxels are- Think of it like a giant grid of individual pixels, Each pixel can only be one thing. One block space can only contain one kind of block, be that air, a stone, grass, a half block, a thin pillar, or whatever. Regardless of what it VISUALLY appears to the player as, the Voxel space is filled.

It can be made that placing certain things overwrites others, EG: Placing a block 'deletes' the air that was there, or the grass that was there. But both things cannot coexist in the same space.
Originally posted by Richard: we should atleast be able to replace the tiny plates on the floor with whatever we place on it like it works with grass, it is absolutely redicolous when you start to build a house and mid wall you reach a point with a extremely thin floorplate that has 2500 health and you only have a stone axe.

i dont even see what the point of it is to give these floorplates such a redicolous amount of hp its not like they ever prevent you from getting to loot or give you any significant resources when harvested.
While i get your point; What about when you're building and you placed those tiny plates on purpose- And then you misclick and delete one, or maybe more if you were spam clicking? Now you've just thanos snapped a bunch of material out the window and you're angry.

To the latter, ALL blocks of a given material type have the same amount of HP regardless of how much actual space they take up in the blockspace. An iron block is an iron block even when it's wafer thin and used as flooring.