almost 2 years
ago -
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Well, You're finding it hard to find because there isn't a concrete date to find. When there is one, It'll be pinned in general discussions.
As for when, We don't know yet. There isn't a concrete date for it. We just know based on past releases that the dev streams start 1-2 months before the streamer weekend, and the streamer weekend begins the friday before the monday the release will be on.
So, the closest estimate we have is some time in may, june if there's any major problems.
As for when, We don't know yet. There isn't a concrete date for it. We just know based on past releases that the dev streams start 1-2 months before the streamer weekend, and the streamer weekend begins the friday before the monday the release will be on.
So, the closest estimate we have is some time in may, june if there's any major problems.