Originally posted by Demien: Okay, got your point. Maybe it's my problem that always feel I have to take the best path I have in a game. It's hard for me to force myself to do something else and that's one of the reason i don't role play often. Next run I will try to go STR and FORT and nerf myself :D I have no idea how I will find any advanced weapons, vehicle or bench though
Strength and fortitude are pretty powerful in their own rights.
And don't stress it- Alot of people have the same min-maxing 'problem', and will look up the single best build and the single best way to make a base and the single best way to do this or that.. It's kinda human nature to seek such efficiency.
After all, Our brain is built to optimize it's energy expenditure- Higher efficiency means Less effort and less energy spent, which means more energy stored for continuing survival. In games even though it's not really any more energy spent, it's still Time you're spending, so your brain is still seeking that highly optimized and perfect path forward- To min-max.
But, The best path isn't always the most interesting. The INT tree and by extension Traders are incredibly overpowered, playing that way even on insane essentially hands you everything on a silver platter- There's never any real challenge to it because you're swimming in dukes to buy food, or weapons, or ammo, or vehicles, or forges; You never really have to 'try', You'll never really fail either because you're swimming in materials and gear so the only thing that can really kill you is overconfidence and biting off more than you can chew.
It can definitely take a bit of mental effort to break that habit and make the choice to do something less efficient, even if that less efficient path is still viable. But the more you make that choice to break the habit, the easier it gets to do so in the future.