almost 2 years
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There are ways to recover a save from a crash. It's Pinned in the Support section of the forums.
As for auto-save, you have to understand that this isn't like the 2D games you're used to.
Most games only occasionally save little bits of information on your character and small code of your progress. 7 Days is actively reading and writing world and character data live while you are progressing and making changes. It's much more effecient to do it this way due to the 3D Voxel nature of the game, and the sheer size of the save data.
Most games your largest save file is around 150MB. For 7 Days just the map can be 900MB+. Your save data for a single game can become upwards of 12GB. There is a reason that a minimum of 30GB drive space is required in the minimum specifications.
As for auto-save, you have to understand that this isn't like the 2D games you're used to.
Most games only occasionally save little bits of information on your character and small code of your progress. 7 Days is actively reading and writing world and character data live while you are progressing and making changes. It's much more effecient to do it this way due to the 3D Voxel nature of the game, and the sheer size of the save data.
Most games your largest save file is around 150MB. For 7 Days just the map can be 900MB+. Your save data for a single game can become upwards of 12GB. There is a reason that a minimum of 30GB drive space is required in the minimum specifications.