over 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Historically, the place people generally seek aid from has been... Churches. Priests used to be acknowledged as healers in days long past, so it's not as 'ridiculous' as you think at first glance. It's just our modern sensibilities that make it seem odd.

Now, as for why a church and not for example a clinic or a hospital... I'm sorry but have you looked around? It's a zombie apocalypse. Clinics and hospitals are ground zero for the spread and also the first place to go for anyone seeking to loot any kind of medical supplies. It'd be like basing up with a giant neon sign on your building saying "Please come rob me, I probably died to airborne infection from all the corpses anyway".

As for boobs...well...Boobs. There was a stripper zombie in the past, a party girl zombie now, a strip joint poi, and a number of baudy or punny jokes in just about every POI name and many item names.