over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
1. Relatively normal. There is a "day 5" horde that consists of dogs, and they can also show up in the selection for regular wandering hordes. The only change with a21 is that you are more likely to see the wandering hordes than you were previously.

2. HP pool for the dog is based on the master animalTemplateHostile. There is no change between a20 and a21 in this regard either.

Not sure why you have so much trouble with killing them. A couple of shots with a T3 pipe machine gun or 4-5 swings with a T3 wood club are usually enough to take one down. If you have one point to stealth you can single-shot them with a T1 primitive bow. Or if alerted, one arrow and a couple of smacks of the club.

Unless you aren't playing on default difficulty. Harder difficulties decrease the amount of damage you deal, and increase the damage dealt by enemies. HP values remain unchanged.