over 2 years
ago -
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You might want to take some time to read the Pinned topics in the Console section.
Educate yourself. They cannot update the console version for a multitude of reasons.
Once the PC game is finished, they are going to make a new console port, and hope to be able to make it backwards compatible to the older PS4 system. The development on it has already started.
I mean, if you were really seriously frustrated about the console version, I would think you would have done your research and discovered all of this already.
Educate yourself. They cannot update the console version for a multitude of reasons.
Once the PC game is finished, they are going to make a new console port, and hope to be able to make it backwards compatible to the older PS4 system. The development on it has already started.
I mean, if you were really seriously frustrated about the console version, I would think you would have done your research and discovered all of this already.