over 1 year
ago -
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The experimental will be going public on the 12th of june, so 6 days; It will be opt in, not automatic. After that, anywhere from 2 weeks to a few months before the stable version hits.
Even after A21 stable arrives though, you can opt back into A20.x via the beta menu, though; So don't feel too stressed- Just play and enjoy your save, and whenever you feel done with it you can start a new save over on A21.
Or, yknow, if you're more inclined you just need to wait 6 days to start a save on the A21 experimental.
Even after A21 stable arrives though, you can opt back into A20.x via the beta menu, though; So don't feel too stressed- Just play and enjoy your save, and whenever you feel done with it you can start a new save over on A21.
Or, yknow, if you're more inclined you just need to wait 6 days to start a save on the A21 experimental.