over 2 years
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"Speed running" is (typically)from a fresh start to any well defined end goal.
Using the examples from speedrun.com you have
Starter%; Complete the starter quests as fast as possible.
Grace%; Locate and kill Grace (The radioactive boar)
For a longer one, Tier5%; From a new save complete any T5 job.
As long as you have a well defined end goal that ideally produces an interesting run, you're speed runnin.
I would suggest the following as an example of a 'new' one.
SteelBlock%; On Navezgane from a new save acquire the materials to upgrade a single block to Steel as fast as possible.
Using the examples from speedrun.com you have
Starter%; Complete the starter quests as fast as possible.
Grace%; Locate and kill Grace (The radioactive boar)
For a longer one, Tier5%; From a new save complete any T5 job.
As long as you have a well defined end goal that ideally produces an interesting run, you're speed runnin.
I would suggest the following as an example of a 'new' one.
SteelBlock%; On Navezgane from a new save acquire the materials to upgrade a single block to Steel as fast as possible.